Our philosophy is to render our patients healthier as a whole, not just their mouth.

The Journey to Our Philosophy

In many ways the journey to get to complete health philosophy is a reflection of my own road to a healthy life. As a child I grew up with typical allergies and breathing issues and constant chest colds. The result of this poor oxygenation and upper airway obstruction affected many layers of my life. It was not until later, as a healthcare provider, when I became aware of the profound influence of upper airway obstruction on facial growth and development. It is fair to say that lack of nasal breathing is the cause of most malocclusion.

While historically our profession has regarded malocclusion mainly a cosmetic issue, the dysfunctional effects of malocclusion and skeletal accommodation required to make this dysfunction possible affect all systems in body. Even those of us who can overcome these imbalances physically will eventually have to deal with physiologic consequences such as sleep disordered breathing. – Dr. Nassery

The foundations of physiologic dentistry are based on proven sciences of physiology, anatomy and human growth and development.

Combining this knowledge with sound diagnostic work up, we can design a multifaceted approach to treating our patients. This will allow for fundamental correction of our patients health issues and hence longer lasting results.

Our medical and dental care model.

The understanding of this concept led me to view my work and part in caring for my patients in a completely new light. There is a more profound purpose to my approach to dentistry, and it’s not just focused on treating the symptoms. Rather, the thought is to lead my patients to a healthier life through my work.

To achieve this I realized that I needed to find and collaborate with like minded and progressive physicians and practitioners who share my vision for healthcare. A healthcare that is not based on a sickness model, rather is based on a health model. – Dr. Nassery


The science of aligning the lower jaw in relation to the upper jaw while creating a balanced and relaxed musculature of the head and neck in the process, without any surgery.